Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Create Pre Ready For Processing Workflow

In some scenarios you may need fulfilment of some criteria or there may be a need to follow a process just before sending the case for processing. In such scenarios, the Pre Ready For Processing hook in Cora OpsManager allows the developers to add workflow before the case is ready for processing after indexing.

These workflows are referred to as Pre Ready For Processing workflows. They can be blocking and may not allow sending the case for processing until a response is received from the workflow.

To create a workflow that holds the logic of the Pre Ready For Processing Execution (all the activities that needs to be done before the case is in ready for processing status).

  1. On Admin console, go to Workflows > All workflows.
  2. Create a copy of ICM Pre Ready For Processing Request workflow without changing the Input and Output activities. 
  3. On Admin console, go to Global Settings > Application Variable and update these app variables:
  • OPM.IsExecutePreReadyForProcessingWorkflow: Value 0 or 1 to determine whether Pre Ready for Processing execution is needed or not. In case it is blocking, the case is not moved to ready for processing status until a response is received from the workflow. In case it is non-blocking, the case is moved to ready for processing status, and the activities in the workflow are performed in the background.
  • OPM.IsPreReadyForProcessingBlocking: Value 0 or 1 to determine whether Pre Ready For Processing workflow will block the case until a response is received (1) or not (0). 

You must use blocking, if your answer depends on decisions that will be made during the workflow.

  • OPM.PreReadyForProcessingWorkflowGuid:  the Pre Ready For Processing workflow spaceguid.

In the end, this workflow will return the following two values:

  • Result–Yes or No
  • Comment–string

If the result is Yes, the case status changes to Ready For Processing, a notification is added to the case conversation tab, and a record is added to the audit log.

If the result is No, the case is closed, and the status changes to Reject From PreCase.